Top 5 Raspberry Ketones Side Effects

Every good thing has side effects, therefore, raspberry ketones also have a side effect.

 Truly, berries have several health benefits, and many people like eating berries. However, as so said, every coin has two sides, therefore, some of the most common side effects of raspberry ketones are discussed in this article.

Raspberry Leaf Tea Side Effects

The following are the side effects of taking raspberry

  1. It can cause diarrhea

According to studies, raspberry, especially, the leaf can act as a laxative and diuretic.

Therefore, people taking other medications with laxative or diuretic effects are recommended to quit eating raspberries, since consuming raspberries can result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

This can cause diarrhea, which can lead to other health complications.

  1. Allergic Reactions

Another side effect of raspberries is that they can cause allergic reactions.

Studies show that certain individuals taking raspberry ketones might develop a tingling or itching sensation in the mouth immediately after consuming raspberries.

Furthermore, the face, lips, and tongue might get swollen, resulting in wheezing or congestion.

In addition, some individuals might also develop nausea, abdominal pain, lightheadedness, and dizziness.

However, these side effects are extremely rare, with only a few cases having been reported.

  1. Drug Interactions

Raspberry fruits contain a compound called tyramine, which can cause a sudden and dangerous increase in blood pressure levels.

Therefore, If you are using antibiotics such as Linezolid, then avoid consuming raspberries.

 Also, if you have high blood pressure and diabetes, you are recommended not to eat raspberries.

In short, raspberries can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which can result in other complications.

  1. Might Affect Pregnant And Breastfeeding Mothers

According to studies, raspberries is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The studies suggest that raspberries might stimulate contraction in the uterus of pregnant mothers, which may result in pregnancy complications.

For that very reason, it is important to consult your doctor before using raspberries.

While for nursing mothers, there is not enough research or evidence supporting its usage. Hence, avoid use.


Raspberries are very healthy for general health, however, not everyone can consume raspberries, as it can cause some health complications.

Especially, you should avoid raspberries if you are pregnant or nursing, if you are using antibiotics such as Linezolid.

Benefits of Properties Of Raspberries that you need to know

It is important to know the components of raspberries that make them more beneficial. We have discussed some of the side effects of raspberries, let us also look at a few importance of raspberries ketones.

  • Raspberry contains Anthocyanins

In essence, anthocyanins are a powerful group of antioxidants that helps boost the body’s immune system just the same way exercise helps maintain a healthy body.

The presences of anthocyanins antioxidants in raspberries enable it to have advanced health benefits such as maintenance of heart health, prevention of cancer and obesity, and improvement of cognitive function among others (3).

But this does not guarantee it to be consumed by pregnant women.

Raspberry Ketones Side Effects

  • Raspberry contains Ellagic Acid

Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring substance with advanced health benefits.

For instance, the acid might bind to the chemicals that cause cancer, which might inhibit cancer cell growth as cited in studies (4).

In short, the presence of ellagic acid in raspberries helps in the prevention of cancer.

  • Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC)

ORAC represents the ability of a particular food to neutralize free radicals. However, this is not an ingredient of raspberries.

Rather it’s a scale that simply tells you how healthy a food item can be.

A portion of food with a higher ORAC rating is very beneficial and raspberries are pretty high on this scale. Therefore, taking raspberries is vital for our health.

  • Raspberry has Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is an acid that works great for the skin. It helps improve skin health. For instance, it helps in fighting acne, skin exfoliation, and cleansing your skin. Therefore, raspberries may help in skin protection.

  • It contains Quercetin

This is a plant pigment. It is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties that helps prevent conditions like heart disease, asthma, and cancer.

It helps reduce excess body inflammation resulting in healthy body functions.

More about Raspberry Ketones

The raspberry ketones have an enticing aroma. They are natural chemicals present in the fruit and are believed to offer certain health benefits.

There are studies being conducted on raspberry ketones, some suggest that raspberry ketones to boost health and vitality.

Certain studies have shown the benefits, but they didn’t seem to follow good scientific methods.

However, the side effects of the raspberry ketones are unknown.

The study considers them safe. Nevertheless, when it comes to the raspberries ketone supplements, there is in no evidence to support the short-term or long-term effects.

Furthermore, there are no studies to examine the potential food or drug interactions.

Importantly, it is always best to get the benefits of raspberry ketones in the natural form, rather than supplements.

Therefore, eat fresh fruit and stay away from supplements.